On 4/10/06, Graham Coleman
Also, the tutorial that I was working on is in an almost-adequate state. I'd appreciate any suggestions on content, presentation, more reference to introductory materiel, etc:
I've worked through it through 1.4.A, and two things have come up: 1) I wasn't sure how to use the scale.ck file, but after messing around (and checking the language spec for something like 'include') I tried "chuck scale tut01" and that got me going. 2) The following code sounds weird when played, like it's missing a note somewhere near the end: Scale sc; // The provider of scales StifKarp inst => dac; [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15] @=> int mel[]; for(0 => int i; ; i++){ std.mtof ( 12*4 + sc.scale ( mel[i % mel.cap ()], sc.maj ) ) => inst.freq; inst.noteOn(0.5); 300::ms => now; }
Sincerely, Tom Lieber http://AllTom.com/ http://GadgetLife.org/