Hi, For a video installation I need to create a module to do interactive time-stretching without changing pitch. This will use a WAV file as input but the speed will change interactively based on an OSC parameter. But to make it simpler let's say the playback speed depends on the mouse speed. I understand there are two ways to achieve this: FFT and Granular Synthesis. The granular synthesis example that comes with Max/MSP almost does this out-of-the-box, but I would like to try to avoid and use ChucK instead. But, even though I've read the manual and understood some of the examples, I'm still very Chuck-ignorant and have no experience whatsoever. Since now ChucK is able to do FFT I was wondering how easy it is to implement this on ChucK using FFT. On the other side, some documentation I've read on time-stretching suggests that the simple FFT process creates lots of artifacts and there has been a lot of research on this and several improved methods were proposed. This scares me because I would like to melt my brain learning all the details, since that Max/MSP patch already does something quite close to what I need. Has anyone done (or knows how to do) time-stretching on ChucK? Should I go for FFT or Granular Synthesis? Any help is welcome. Thanks in advance! Nuno