Hi Tom

The sf patch works on linux but are some loose lines
in the makefile.alsa when apply the patch (patch < sfont_1.2.1.2.diff).
I really don't know how to make - apply a diff - patch :)

line 37?
    util_hid.o uana_xform.o uana_extract.o $(SF_OBJ)

lines 202 - 206?
uana_xform.o: uana_xform.h uana_xform.cpp
    $(CXX) $(FLAGS) uana_xform.cpp

uana_extract.o: uana_extract.h uana_extract.cpp
    $(CXX) $(FLAGS) uana_extract.cpp

I think sf produce some particular issues.
When loading, if the time of read is so high the vm have to wait.
Is it a possible solution to load sf in a thread and send an event
when done?

The .freq method in a sf file, maybe have no precise sense, the
real frequency depend of the recorded sample and the pitch region,
maybe a simple .key method is better...
or make the calculus of sample - pitch - region - pitchbend to take the
accurate frequency... (if the sf file support that)
...maybe the nature of this UGen is simple different...

Information retrival about sf files is also needed...

I like this UGen!!!!
runs with rec.ck --silent!!!

Sorry about my English!!
Schreers! (a sporked cheers)

2008/10/2 Tom Lieber <lieber@princeton.edu>
SoundFonts part III: ALSA's Revenge

The makefile.alsa included in the original diff was for an old version
of ChucK. The attached, complete diff is more likely not to take you
back through history, though I still have no Linux to test that it
works. Someone, please do. :)

Tom Lieber

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