2009/1/4 Arjan Scherpenisse
I'm new here, and not so much into audio programming (yet), but I'm interested in ChucK from a software perspective. I'm trying to code a little "live coding" app (python+gtk+glade), much like the miniAudicle, but interfacing with ChucK through shell commands (like chuck-mode for emacs).
So I wondered whether it's possible to get information on the running chuck process. In the simplest form, I would like to get the output of the "chuck --status" command. That command now lets the VM write on its stdout; not on the stdout of the calling process.
Can somebody point me in the right direction? Thanks,
Well miniAudicle "owns" its ChucK server; you could take that approach. At the very least I mean spawning the ChucK server so that you have its stdout. -- Tom Lieber http://AllTom.com/