2011/12/23 Kassen
I think that "yes" this is interesting and should be worthwhile and I'd be happy to help test. On the downside; I don't know when I'll get round to that as there are celebrations these days, I'm working on a few code projects with deadlines and there's some redecoration of a performance space that I'm involved with too.... I do know that I'm not the only ChucKist with a soft spot for trackers (some of those are comfy with recompiles as well). Thanks for your interest! Well, if many ChucK users are interested, I even had a plan to create a big software what would be like a "tracker for ChucK". This would be something like Renoise or Jeskola Buzz, but in the rows of a pattern one could enter real ChucK code instead of just some fixed playback note for a sound sample. But this is just an idea at the moment which I don't plan to continue, because I investigated it and it seems that I can write a new module (generator as they call it) for Jeskola Buzz what is enough for my needs. And writing a big new application is a huge effort which might take years to complete...
Back to my work in ChucK: just keep it relaxed, I work with this only
in my spare time so I can myself not always respond quickly. Anyway to
get a feeling for it I created a very simple ChucK program which just
plays back a kick drum using the objects I created. It maybe does not
show the benefit of using these new classes, it is just a simple
example how the system can be used. So here it is (I hope automatic
line endings will not make it unreadable...):
//What we need:
//t3Sample which will store a recorded sound.
//t3Instrument which defines playback options for the sample.
//t3Track in which the instrument can be played back.
//Only t3Track is an unit generator, the sample and instrument are
simple classes.
t3Sample the_sample;
t3Instrument the_instrument;
t3Track the_track;
//load the sample...
"G:/saját/program/chuck-" => the_sample.read;
//just print out some info to see if the file was loaded OK...