5 Jan
5 Jan
6:07 a.m.
On Fri, Jan 05, 2007 at 01:36:03AM +0100, Kassen wrote:
Hi list,
Contrary to what I thought ChucK's midi out can be used to send messages of lengths other then 3 bytes. ------------------ MidiOut mout; MidiMsg msg; mout.open(0);
//refers to a program change on the first channel //add to it for following channels 192 => msg.data1; //refers to the program to be loaded 4 => msg.data2;
You or others might find the midi stuff at http://www.rattus.net/~packrat/audio/ChucK/ useful for MIDI examples and wrappers for the most common MIDI messages. I did, that's why I wrote it :) B> -- Packrat (Wombat Implementor;COSO;Badgerphonic;Biokino Artist) Nihil illegitemi carbovndvm