18 Feb
18 Feb
11:42 p.m.
Hi Graham!
I've discovered that I can only get 47 sine waves on my system (1 ghz G4 powerbook, 512 megs ram, OSX 10.3.9). I'm curious how other systems compare - particularly on linux. If chuck works much better on linux, I may switch back to it...
We should apologize here for the abysmal performance of chuck. There are many places in the implementation that could be and need to optimized, several of which are in the synthesis engine (i.e. we need to look into the adaptive block processing that was brought up a few times). So far, we are still in the "make it work / make it right" stages, and not quite to the "make it fast" phase yet. Hopefully we will get there soon. Very sorry for this! Best, Ge!