hi again here i am with couple of questions again. is there a way to concatenate strings? I am trying different ways with no much luck and i have checked the docs but i could not find a way to it. another issue is: is there a way to eval a string as code like in python or actionscript? The questions come from some commands i am forced to type over and over despite of being almost identical recv.event("/0/mute, i") @=> OscEvent mute0_osc; the only difference of the number (0 in this case) for each of the sample players i have constructed Would it be possible to create variables on the fly from concatenated strings? I mean something like (in wish code) for (0 => int n; n < 8; n++){ "/" + Std.itoa(n) + "/mute, i" @=> string address; //concatenate string recv.event(address) @=> OscEvent Std.eval("mute"+ Std.itoa(n) + "_osc"); //concatenate and eval string } thanks enrike