I know that Chuck was intentionally designed as a live-coding
language, however, I think that a really cool feature would be file
My main reason for thinking this is my absolute fascination with the
growing field of data-sonification. Work by Andrea Polli, who has
taking large data sets from hurricanes and turned them into sound, as
well as others who have done the same with other data sources, like
EEG readings, & c. is a really interesting possibility with something
as easy and intuitive to code as Chuck.
The state of IO in Chuck right now is severely limited when it comes
to doing something like this. There's keyboard in, MIDI, HID, and
OSC. While those are fantastic, if I have a database full of
information that I want to Chuck into Chuck, I'm stuck coding it up in
another language and sending data to Chuck as one of the above. I
can't even communicate with Chuck via stdin, AFAIK.
At the very least, I'd love to see Chuck be able to read a file and
have some string functionality available so that I could write some
functions to parse things like CSV files so that I could get my data
into Chuck and turn it into a soundscape. That plus a decent print
function to stdout, stderr, and reading from stdin would really be
helpful... to me at least.
What do the rest of you think?
On 8/15/07, Kassen
I just wanted to bump this and offer my small and humble opinion;
To me it's a sort of utopia to have this amount of open-ness about the process of ChucK's development. It's therefore quite odd to me that there isn't more debate on the sugested features and that only a very small group of people has added desirered features and there is hardly any discussion at all about which ideas are good and which ones are silly/redundant/dangerous.
Why isn't there more debate?
On 8/8/07, Ge Wang
wrote: Greetings!
We are nearing the next very sporktacular release of ChucK and want to coordinate with you on organizing and prioritizing some bug fixes/ features/updates. We've been scouring through the forums, wiki pages, and posts and collected much good info. Thanks to all who have been kind and patient enough to enter requests, reports, and suggestions into the various pages. At this stage, we'd like to get your input on prioritizing them for the new release (in about 2 weeks). For this purpose, we've created two new wiki pages for feature requests/reports and bug reports/requests from here:
Please enter full descriptions and concise accompanying code when helpful. While we can't guarantee that these would make it into the immediate next version, they are very helpful in getting a sense of disaster zones that needs more urgent attention, and is a chance to tidy up the information. If you don't want to deal with the wiki directly, feel free to post here or to chuck-dev, and our uh wiki specialists will transfer the text there.
As for the manual, let's keep going here:
Thank you very much! Let us know if you have any questions.
Keep on ChucKin'
Best, chuck team _______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu
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