Hi Kassen,
Hey Tom,
If I change the delay to 123::ms for example, I get pretty much the same result.
Ok, that's me estimating wrong, then.
Right ! If I remove the reverb, I get a simple echo effect, thus the 0.8 gain works as expected. So the reverb must act as a strong amplifier, even with low parameters. This problem you describe with reverbs + synthetic sound totally makes sense here.
Yes, it's a annoying property of the build-in reverbs. the magnitude of this effect varies wildly with the frequency of the material.
I'm using chuck (dracula). As for this part of my code, I didn't think it would work either. Reading the doc, I was like "what? But I've never derived from a UGen before! And ChucK don't really have constructors right ?" But obviously everything went better than expected
Yes, it's nice, I'm currently running some tests on it. Of course this is proper behaviour; the extended class *should* also be a "Delay" (as well as a UGen) and so the chuck operator should automatically be overloaded to deal with this. At least that's what I feel the docs imply. In the past, however, this didn't work and there has been some discussion on that. You could extend a UGen, but the result wouldn't connect to the UGen graph (so that was quite useless). The odd thing is that I can't remember this working in before. I have a gut feeling there was a update because of the issues with OSX Lion and some other changes also got pushed in, but the version number wasn't incremented and no changes were listed in the VERSIONS file... but that's pure speculation. It'd be nice to get some official word on this. In the meantime; very, very nice find you made here! Yours, Kas.