On 17 Apr 2009, at 20:38, Andrew C. Smith wrote:
Have you thought about having a voice map correspond to your key map? As in, have Db and C# assigned to the same voice, because presumably if you're using E31 you're looking for pure consonances and not extreme dissonances.
This is a good idea, though in normal playing, one moves between scale degrees. So pitches that differ only by a number of flats or sharps. (One might define a scale degree d = p + q of the note p M + q m, where M is major and m a minor second. Also, scale degrees are important in much music: 12-tone atonal music I think might be described as 12-scale degrees per octave instead of 7.)
That way you would only need 12 voices (if each enharmonic pitch shared a voice with its other enharmonic pitch) instead of 256. It would limit your playing somewhat, but it all depends on what you're going for.
But one cannot be sure. Not even Mozart follows that convention, though true in most music. So one needs extra generators.
I'm not a very good ChucKist, and I didn't really fully understand your code, but I do understand the garbage collection problem.
So you might be the man on this problem, then :-).
Also, I'm a dedicated microtonalist, which is one reason why I'm following this thread. Good luck!
That is one reason I am interested in it. I might move ahead to oriental style intermediate pitches. Then making a wholly new key map might be too difficult to learn playing. So I want to somehow making the key map deformable so that those scale fit. Hans