Chuck is awesome, but here are some things that are weird, or suggestions, or even just idle questions: 0. ChucK is fun and awesome. 1. ChucK performance ChucK hiccups from time to time, and this has been mentioned on lists. But where are the main inefficiencies? How could hiccups be avoided? 2. Local class library It would be nice to automatically load local utility classes. 3. Globals? Given the ire surrounding them, this is more a question rather than a suggestion. It seems very natural for syncronized music-processes to want to share data, and static class data seems like a heavyweight (in terms of lines of code and syntax) way of doing this, (esp. given you can't currently redefine or reevaluate classes). But do we want global variables and refs, or will that just make things messier? Or is there some novel abstraction for sharing data that will work better in this domain? 4. Reevaluating Classes Discussed above. best, Graham