Sorry Scott :(

Anyway, sure let's have a chat in a couple of weeks, in the meanwhile I'll have a look at the tool Spencer shared.


-- Electronic Musician, Creative Coder, QA Engineer

On 9 Apr 2019 17:01, Scott Smallwood <> wrote:
I’m Scott S actually… 

But yeah… I am going to admit right now that the next two weeks are hellish for me because I’m at the end of my term and doing lots of grading, installing a show, travelling, etc. 

(Incidentally, while I’ve done lots of ChucK work as a performer, and lots of generative sound installation work in general, this will be my first ever multi-week installation that is done with ChucK instead of Max.  Two pieces actually - one plain ChucK and one Chunity!!  Woo hoo!!)

Anyway… once I get the next two weeks off my back, I’m happy to take a closer look at the Floss manual and see where I can be of help.

And yes I agree - this tool of Spencer’s sounds very cool and promising!


[ - ]  Scott Smallwood - Associate Professor - University of Alberta  [ - ]