That is a big problem: Chuck needs to be multi-threaded if it should be able to make use of this new computing power.
Yes. However using multiple CPU's to distribute the work of a program like ChucK is a non-trivial matter. For one thing it's not always possible. consider this;
5 => int n;
SinOsc sines[n];
for(int i; i< sines.cap(); i++)
2 => sines[i].sync;
1 + (10*i) => sines[i].gain;
for(int j; j< sines.cap(); j++)
if(i != j) sines[i] => sines[j];
sines [0] => dac;
5::second => now;
That is a highly interconnected UGen graph and I think we will agree that for any CPU there is a number "n" at which point this will no longer run on that CPU. At that point distributing the calculation will likely not help you much either, if it's possible at all.
Most UGen graphs aren't like this, however they may become like that due to new connections made. This means that we may have to re-optimise the whole graph, relative to the CPU cores, for any connections made. You can then try to optimise for either a minimum of dropouts or a most efficient use of the available power.... This is non-trivial. Our friends over in the SC scene didn't solve that one yet either.
You pick up a PowerBook at a good price in this point of time, but beware that the lids of the Ti-books will drop off after some time of use because the hinge-structure is weak. But they can still be used, with an external display.
I personally don't feel Powerbooks suit my particular needs very well. Right now I think I could get more of a performance boost by getting into configuring a custom realtime Linux kernel on hardware I already own.
I haven't seen a floppy drive for a long time, though they seem to have been longer in use on the PC side.
I don't think that's a Mac/Pc issue, at least it isn't for me. My interest in them has to do with liking the sound of old samplers and MIDI sample dump being attrociously slow. Floppies are small, prone to breaking and downright archaic... but very convenient for feeding samples to old samplers. In my dream world we could buy a soundcard with hardware plugins for various DA converters in order to get that type of sound.
Multi-core can still be useful if one can run more than one copy of the program.