It's up with a bit of delay.
I put it on the front page; IMHO it's both important enough for that and
already of a high enough quality to be very useful. I left the old link so
that makes it slightly cludgy, but I don't want to make destructive edits to
the front page without somebody like Adam or Ge chiming in. Aside from that
I personally I agree with your reasoning that the new system is preferable.
The one issue I have with the new system as compared to the WiKi (for people
with accounts) is that I don't think it's currently clear how new users who
find the manual unclear but don't yet have the knowledge to suggest a
addition or rewording should suggest areas for improvement. How good are our
ties with the FLOSSmanuals site? maybe it could put a "issue tracking"
feature on it's wishlist?
2010/1/6 Tomasz Kaye's brain
hi @Kassen
I thought about having the link appear on the wiki homepage http://wiki.cs.princeton.edu/index.php/ChucK
I imagined it either replacing or being adjacent to the "ChucK/Manualhttp://wiki.cs.princeton.edu/index.php/ChucK/Manual(manual errata, updates, etc)" item. If the current version of the FLOSS manual has addressed all the things mentioned on that page, I guess it can be retired?
I would have the link point to the 'write' page of the FLOSS system, to encourage participation: http://en.flossmanuals.net/bin/view/ChucK/WebHome
I'd have the text link read: "ChucK Manual (User editable)"
2010/1/6 Kassen
Sure. Tell me where you want it, what to say and where exactly to link to
and it'll be up within a hour or so.
2010/1/6 Tomasz Kaye's brain
Could someone with publishing access link to the editable FLOSS manual
from the chuck wiki?
2009/12/19 mike clemow
This looks great! I'm going to join you all later this week.
Excitedly, Mike
2009/12/18 Kassen
Some more notes;
We may need some more stylistic guidelines. There are a lot of sentence fragments (as opposed to full sentences) in the manual and considering the subject matter and the need to frequently break up sentences to illustrate matters in code that seems unavoidable, but I started capitalising those. I think this improves readability.
I also need to apologise to Tomasz as I mistakenly attributed the sentence "In its own screwed-up way, this is kind of nice because....." to him, took it out, then send him a off-list note commenting on the usage of crude language in official documents in a way that I -at the time- thought was amusingly self-referential.
It turns out that line is from the original pdf. For all I know it was Ge himself pointing out the "screwedupness" of the ChucK operator. That was completely my mistake.
On the bright side; I cleaned up that paragraph and will document --shell tonight in penance over my screw-up.
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