2 May
2 May
7:05 p.m.
Yep, I just showed the original code to Ge, and he verified that you are only using one sineosc (s1), but connecting it multiple times to the dac, through the array. So the clicking begins when the multiple connections to the dac finally take up enough time. Mine clicks at about 450 on my PowerBook.
oops, yes that's right. Sorry, I got confused.
The true test is in my code, where there are truly multiple sineoscs, and multiple connections. That clicks at about 40. Be interested in seeing where it clicks on IntelMac.
With your test, I got 95 sines. quoting an old email from Ge: "On our linux box (2.8 ghz Intel, mucho RAM, RH9), I got up to 130 without crackles." Ge, what test did you use ?