Well, MAUI is a chugin, only for Mac, so there is precedent for UI in Chugin. MAUI is currently broken in the command line, only working in MiniAudicle. Perhaps Spencer/Ge can chime in on the vagaries of doing UI/graphics via Chugin?? Prc from MyiPhone
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Today's Topics:
1. Oscillosope UI (Mario Buoninfante)
Message: 1 Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2020 14:48:25 +0100 From: Mario Buoninfante
To: ChucK Subject: [chuck-users] Oscillosope UI Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Hi,
Recently I've been poking around with Chugins and created a couple of things I thought were 'missing' in the official ChucK and Chugin repos, UGens like Wrap, Clip, Sample and Hold, etc. ( https://github.com/mariobuoninfante/ChucK_chugins), and I was thinking about adding an oscilloscope as well. Recently I also put together a clunky class that allows you to plot things using gnuplot, but it's an offline thing, then you need to use Std.system() (that means using --caution-to-the-wind), I mean it's not ideal to be honest, especially if you're looking for an oscilloscope. I was wondering, would a Chugin be the right thing to work on to create an oscilloscope? I never dealt with UIs before, so I could be saying something completely naive here, but I was thinking about having a Chugin you can connect UGens to then display their waveform. Then have methods that allow to change the oscilloscope settings (ie x-axis and y-axis resolution, etc.). Does anybody have any experience with this kind of things? Chugins with UIs? Is it even sensible?
Cheers, Mario