Dear list. Suppose we have a SinOsc named "s", connected to the dac, that has been playing for some arbitrary amount of time at a arbitrary frequency. Suppose we'd like to disconnect this from the dac while minimising the "click". One thing to try would be this; (1 - s.phase() )::s.period() => now; //strong timing to the rescue! s =< dac; Quite ChucKian, I thought, however this still clicks a bit. Some clickery is to be expected as not all frequencies will have a period that can be expressed in a integer number of samp's but this seemed like a bit much. On a whim I tried; (1 - s.phase() )::s.period() + samp => now; s =< dac; This clicks less and when I print the s.last(), the value is on -average- lower in magnitude. I then tried lining up the shred's timing with the UGen graph's; samp - (now % samp) => now; //yes; that's quite anal (1 - s.phase() )::s.period() => now; s =< dac; This doesn't affect matters quite as much as simply adding a samp to the time advanced; waiting a extra sample generally seems (to me) to decrease the magnitude of the s.last() right before we disconnect it. This would lead us to ask; "where does this samp come from?". I'm a bit at loss here, does anybody have any insights? Yours, Kas.