Hello, Just reporting a little bug in mini-audicle, it seems that when I try to use this code with a BCD2000 turntable, it just hangs up, the strangest thing is that it crashes randomly, if I save the report from macos X could be helpful? The code: public class input { int device; MidiIn min; MidiMsg msg; int knob_0[2]; public void input(int dev) { dev => device; if( !min.open( device ) ) { <<< "erro ao iniciar device:" , device >>>; } else { <<< "device inicializado:" , min.num() , " -> " , min.name()
; } [ 176 , 3 ] @=> knob_0;
} public int poll() { while ( true ) { min => now; // get the message(s) while( min.recv(msg) ) { // print out midi message <<< msg.data1, msg.data2, msg.data3 >>>; msg.data1 => int msg_1; msg.data2 => int msg_2; <<< "cara: " , msg_1 >>>; if ( msg_2 == knob_0[1] ) { <<< "eh o cara" >>>; } } } } }; input In; In.input(1); In.poll(); What I'm trying to do is figure out how exactly Chuck can handle input events, my first tought was on building a linked list with the desired function pointer to the button i want to map, but maybe the event classes can do it better, anyone has the same way implementation issue? Thanks Piero Obs: The bug is with miniAudicle under MacOS X 10.4.9 Intel C2D