
WvOut class should be what you are looking for...


On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 5:16 PM, Robert Poor <> wrote:
fellow chukka's:

I have not yet found an obvious way to record audio input under ChucK control.  The SndBuf.write() method is documented as "not yet implemented", and test code appears to confirm that it isn't implemented.

I want to use ChucK to record snippets during a live performance using MIDI input to control when the recording starts, then use ChucK to play back processed snippets.  I *really* don't want to be switching apps (more specifically -- I don't want to be fiddling on a Mac keyboard), so I need Chuck to control it all.

So my gambit -- yet to be tested -- is to use ChucK to spawn a command line function to do the recording, such as:

 def void recordSnippet(string toFilename) {
   system ("sndrecord " + toFilename);

... where sndrecord is a command-line recorder (such as /Developer/Examples/CoreAudio/Services/AudioFileTools/afrecord).

Questions, always questions:

- Given my constrains (real-time recording must be controlled from a MIDI device, not from a Mac keyboard) is this a sensible approach?  How have other people managed this?

- in the ChucK system() call, is there a way to attach to stdin / stdout of a spawned process?  In this particular case, I would like to send it a string to stdin of the spawned process to tell it when to stop recording.

- Aside from the afrecord utility in Mac OS /Developer, are there other command-line recording apps that people use and like?


- Rob

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