Hello again, Our ever-hardworking system staff has upgraded the wiki to a new version of mediawiki and also added more rigorous measures to prevent spammers from defacing the wiki. The upgraded wiki is temporarily at: http://wiki-new.cs.princeton.edu/ http://wiki-new.cs.princeton.edu/index.php/ChucK The existing wiki will remain at the current URL until we make the switch: http://wiki.cs.princeton.edu/ http://wiki.cs.princeton.edu/index.php/ChucK The new wiki requires one to be logged in before he/she can edit a page. Furthermore, the registration page now has a CAPTCHA feature to help prevent bots. I guess this would be a good time to start moving contents from the old wiki to the new and doing some housecleaning. 1. I think the <pre> tags now work, but it may be better to denote code by inserting spaces before each line, like in the page: http://wiki.cs.princeton.edu/index.php/FractalMelody 2. Some or maybe most of the page could use some organizing and updating. Perhaps the ChucK_Programs page can benefit from some basic categorization. 3.The upload feature seems to be enabled for now, though I am not sure if this will be permanet. I will find out. 4. We will switch over to the new wiki probably early next week. (just the URL change from wiki -> wiki-old, and from wiki-new -> wiki) 5. Use the talk page to avoid collisions on edit. The talk page is accessible via the 'discussion' link on the top. Ready? Everyone of course is invited to contribute. Adam T. and Mike M. might want to coordinate this? Best, Ge!