It is not really possible in normal Chuck syntax: functions are not values in Chuck and there is no function type.
However, you can simulate functions as values, by creating classes that create objects that behave like a function would.
The approach is best explained with an example I think.
// this is the Function class from LicK for functions that take one float argument.
class FloatFunction
0.0 => float default;
fun float evaluate(float arg0) // evaluate is abstract method applying the function to an argument.
return default;
// You extend it to make some function, for example, to make an addition Function object:
class Adder extends FloatFunction
float value;
fun void init(float arg) {
arg => value;
fun float evaluate(float arg0) { // here we override the evaluate method from the base class.
return value + arg0;
// this is just a helper, to create a Adder object:
fun Adder mkAdder(float arg) {
Adder a;
return a;
// Now it is possible to implement map, where you can take a function object as an argument:
fun float [] map (FloatFunction f, float lst[]) {
float result[lst.cap()];
for (int i;i<lst.cap();i++) {
f.evaluate(lst[i]) => result[i];
return result;
fun void printArray(float arr[]) {
for (int i;i<arr.cap();i++) {
// so now your transposing mapping would look something like this:
[10.,11.,12.,13] @=> float test[];
map(mkAdder(10.0),test) => printArray;
map(mkAdder(20.0),test) => printArray;
A limitation that remains with this, since there is no curying etc.., you need a lot of classes, for each function type one. So creating and defining functions like this is not very lightweight (you almost always have to extend some class :-/). No surprise I guess: this is just programming a functional programming language using an object oriented one. My personal way of getting around that limitation was to build a translator in python that takes my own (scheme-like) syntax and parses it into chuck code* to automate all that boilerplate. But that is still quite a lot work! If you are really into doing functional stuff, it may also be worthwhile to consider use a “proper" functional language (ocaml/haskell) and communicate with chuck through OSC? It depends a bit on what level you would like to use the functions (controlling parameters or audio processing itself). I probably would have done something like this now if I didn’t have a whole bunch of tools written in chuck already :-P.
There is some documentation in the cisp repo (sorry not very complete, this is kind of a personal toolbox).