On 19-Jan-06, at 11:01 AM, Mike McGonagle wrote:
Hello all,
I spent this last weekend working on a piece using ChucK, and quite frankly, it was something that I had implemented using PD, but was never really able to get one part to work successfully (probably more due to a design flaw or something). But, I was very happy to say that, using ChucK, I not only got the basic parts to work, but I also got the part that I was having trouble with in PD. I am very impressed with ChucK.
So, basically, I would like to start posting some of these things to get some feedback from others, as well as some critiques of both the programming as well as the resulting music/sound construction. Is there a part of the WIKI that can be accessed by regular users to post some things? Or should I just post something to the list here (as an attachment)?
You should post them on the WIKI in the ChucK Progams section. http://wiki.cs.princeton.edu/index.php/ChucK_Programs There are other examples of ChucK programs there. We are probably going to clean this up a bit. I have been doing a bit of work to make the WIKI a bit more useful and clean. I am certainly interested in your patches and hopefully they will give the wiki a bit more traffic so we can all post our stuff there. --art