Hi all,

We are doing a piece in our laptop orch that uses Hid input from the keyboard and mouse. The group does not have matching machines. All but 1 are Macs, with the OS ranging from 10.6.x to 10.8.2. The code (pasted below) works on the windows machine and the 10.6 and 10.8 Macs, but not on any of the machines running OS 10.7.4.



Jeff Albert
Assistant Professor (Extraordinary) of Music Industry Studies
Loyola University New Orleans
Office: Communications/Music Complex 428P
Office Phone: (504) 865-2606
Google Voice: (504) 315-5167

// ----------------------------------------------------------------

// Mouse Bow (v1)

// by Jeff Lipscomb (February 9, 2010)


// The keyboard controls the pitch of this instrument,

//    while the mouse controls both the loudness and the timbre.

// Clicking any button will turn the note on,

//    while unclicking that button will turn it off.

// The SPEED of the left-right motion controls how loud the note is

//    (the faster the motion, the louder it will be.)

// The up-down position of the mouse on the screen controls how

//    bright/complex the note's timbre will be.

//    (the higher up, the more brighter it will be.)


// (push key that wasn't mapped for a really cool sound, like '~')

// ----------------------------------------------------------------


// some tuning and timbre-related variables

600.0 => float cFrq;

18.07 => float nDiv;

2.01 => float mRat;

950.0 => float hFlt;

400.0 => float lFlt;

// initialize and test for a mouse

Hid hi;

HidMsg msg;

0 => int device;

if( me.args() ) me.arg(0) => Std.atoi => device;

if( !hi.openMouse( device ) ) me.exit();

// UGen guts

SinOsc mod => SinOsc car => ADSR e => LPF f1 => HPF f2 => Chorus c => JCRev r => dac;

e.set( 10::ms, 5::ms, .85, 10::ms );


// initial parameters for the UGens

cFrq => car.freq;

cFrq * mRat => mod.freq; //1.07aa

hFlt => f1.freq;

lFlt => f2.freq;

1000.0 => mod.gain;

0.0 => e.gain;

// sync is for an FM instrument

2 => car.sync;

// initializing variables for controlling function

int base;

float a0;

float a1;

float a2;

float a3;

int count;

// initialize keyboard array

// MIDI pitch numbers are assigned to most of the keys

// which are represented by their ASCII numbers

int kb[112];

49 => kb[90];  // z

50 => kb[88];  // x

51 => kb[67];  // c

52 => kb[86];  // v

53 => kb[66];  // b

54 => kb[78];  // n

55 => kb[77];  // m

56 => kb[44];  // ,

57 => kb[46];  // .

58 => kb[47];  // /

59 => kb[65];  // a

60 => kb[83];  // s

61 => kb[68];  // d

62 => kb[70];  // f

63 => kb[71];  // g

64 => kb[72];  // h

65 => kb[74];  // j

66 => kb[75];  // k

67 => kb[76];  // l

68 => kb[59];  // ;

69 => kb[81];  // q

70 => kb[87];  // w

71 => kb[69];  // e

72 => kb[82];  // r

73 => kb[84];  // t

74 => kb[89];  // y

75 => kb[85];  // u

76 => kb[73];  // i

77 => kb[79];  // o

78 => kb[80];  // p

79 => kb[49];  // 1

80 => kb[50];  // 2

81 => kb[51];  // 3

82 => kb[52];  // 4

83 => kb[53];  // 5

84 => kb[54];  // 6

85 => kb[55];  // 7

86 => kb[56];  // 8

87 => kb[57];  // 9

88 => kb[48];  // 0

// initialize tuning function

// for a 10-TET tuning scheme instead of 12-TET

fun float midiTune( int x )


        return cFrq * Math.pow( 2.0, ( x - 69 ) / nDiv );


//the keyboard detect function

fun void thePits()

    Hid hi2;

    HidMsg msg2;


    0 => int device2;


    if( me.args() ) me.arg(0) => Std.atoi => device2;


    if( !hi2.openKeyboard( device2 ) ) me.exit();


    while( true


        hi2 => now


        while( hi2.recv( msg2 ) ) 


            if( msg2.isButtonDown() ) 


                midiTune( kb[msg2.ascii] ) => a3;

                a3 * mRat => a2;

                set( base, a0, a1, a2, a3 );





//sporking out the keyboard function

spork ~ thePits();

// custom function controls parameters of note

set( base, a0, a1, a2, a3 );

// infinite loop

while( true


    // time advances when the mouse does something

    hi => now;


    // determines how to respond when mouse does something

    while( hi.recv( msg ) )


        if( msg.isMouseMotion() ) 


            // X-Axis controls how loud the note is

            if( msg.deltaX ) 


                Std.fabs( msg.deltaX ) * .0083 - .0083 => a1; //sets gain

                set( base, a0, a1, a2, a3 );


            // Y-Axis controls how bright the note is

            if( msg.deltaY )


                Std.fabs( -msg.deltaY * .0083 + a0 ) => a0; //sets index (brightness)

                set( base, a0, a1, a2, a3 );





        else if( msg.isWheelMotion() ) 


            // for now the mouse wheel controls pitch

            if( msg.deltaY ) 


                msg.deltaY * .8333 + a2 => a2; //sets carrier freq

                set( base, a0, a1, a2, a3 );




        else if( msg.isButtonDown() ) 


            // pressing button presses the "bow" into the "string"

            msg.which => base;


            if( count == 1 ) e.keyOn();

            10::ms => now;

            set( base, a0, a1, a2, a3 );




        else if( msg.isButtonUp() ) 


            // lifting button also lifts "bow" from the "string"

            msg.which => base;


            if( !count ) 



                0.0 => a1; // just making sure each note starts from 0dB






fun void set( int base, float v0, float v1, float v2, float v3 )

    //changes pitches

    v3 => car.freq;


    //changes mod freq

    v2 => mod.freq;



    v1 => e.gain;


    //mod index 

    ( 500 * ( v0 + 1 ) ) => mod.gain;
