Hi, Chris!
Wondering if someone can explain STK Modulate to me; I just don't seem to get it!
I believe you may be a bit confused and that Modulate is meant as something to "modulate" other things with, like a LFO in traditional synths, not as something to be "modulated", then listened to, though of course if the ampiltude and frequencty would be set to apropriate values you could listen to it as well. Here's a small example I cooked up for you. Note I'm using sync(2) for FM modulation, adding m's output to s's frequency. When controlling other Ugens or more advanced structures you may want to periodically poll m.last(). ================= Modulate m => SinOsc s => dac; 2 => s.sync; 20 => m.vibratoGain; 2 => m.vibratoRate; 50 => m.randomGain; minute => now; ============== Hope that helps, Kas.