Hey Les,
On 26 May 2011 14:25, Les Hall
Good day ChucKists! I have finally purchased what looks to be a good motion controller for my particular needs. It is the Gyration Air Mouse Elite. It works great, though my first code attempt at varying a SinOsc produced more zipper than actual sine wave, lol. I know the zipper cannot be avoided in practice, so I'll work on ways to minimize it and /or make use of it. Now, to my question:
The simple solution to zipper is to send to value to a Step, the Step to a LPF and that signal to either a osc straight or poll the .last once per samp. This is not especially cheap, but it will work and is simple and reliable.
How do I access all of the axes? This device has a 2-axis gyro and a 3-axis accelerometer, which IMHO packs a powerful punch missing only the roll gyro. I can do all sorts of stuff with it, but I need to get at that axis data. I'm sure it's very simple, how do i do it?
I think there are two potential long-term solutions. * Extend mouse support for a arbitrary number of axis. If the library that we use has that feature this should be fairly straightforward. * Create a generalised "raw" hid abstraction that can be polled for its number of buttons, axis, wheels, etc. This wouldn't have a "type" as such so that would immediately support all sorts of exotic stuff (magic carpet controllers, etc). Especially the first option may be within reach of a dedicated lone hacker. C++ is quite similar ot ChucK, at least similar enough to figure out what parts to copy, paste and modify. The nice thing about the second option (which is of course harder) is that it should solve all issues with all standard compliant HID devices. I'd advocate seriously considering it if/when Spencer has some time. We, as a group, tend to like more exotic devices more so this makes sense to me. We could even consider working together with the SC folks who also have the same question on the same range of platforms. It wouldn't be very easy but the benefits would be quite large. Yours, Kas.