Hello, I'm searching information about SndBuff and WvOut (and WvIn?) In the same project I want to record and play sounds but I have some problems... To explain: adc => Gain g => WvOut wOut => blackhole; .5 => g.gain; SndBuf buf => dac; "/.../blablabla.wav" => string filename; filename => wOut.wavFilename; 5::second => now; wOut.closeFile; //5::second => now; //filename => buf.read; //5::second => now; me.exit(); ...No problem... adc => Gain g => WvOut wOut => blackhole; .5 => g.gain; SndBuf buf => dac; "/.../blablabla.wav" => string filename; //filename => wOut.wavFilename; //5::second => now; //wOut.closeFile; //5::second => now; filename => buf.read; 5::second => now; me.exit(); ...No problem... But adc => Gain g => WvOut wOut => blackhole; .5 => g.gain; SndBuf buf => dac; "/.../blablabla.wav" => string filename; filename => wOut.wavFilename; 5::second => now; wOut.closeFile; 5::second => now; filename => buf.read; 5::second => now; me.exit(); ...Return: chuck: ugen_xxx.cpp:2637: void sndbuf_ctrl_read(Chuck_Object*, void*, Chuck_DL_Return*, Chuck_VM_Shred*): Assertion `d->fd == __null' failed. Why? Thanck you, Giulio.