Hi Graham and all!
Will I see you guys at ICMC? Will there be mad chucking?
Yes!!! A good number of the chuck team / soundlab minions are going: Spencer, Ananya, Perry (the master of slab minions), Matt, Rebecca, me, as well as Ajay (coming from Victoria), skot Smallwood, Dan Trueman (there shall be mad plorking as well), and others! Graham, will you be presenting/performing? We can't wait to meet ya!! Anyone else on this list attending?! Some soundlab-related events (most involve chuck in some way) --- Sunday (5th): ChucK workshop in the afternoon! Monday: miniAudicle paper presentation! Wednesday: laptop ensemble pedagogy panel! TAPESTREA paper presentation! Thursday: concert piece (morning): Loom! (realized in TAPESTREA controlled from ChucK) PLOrk paper presentation! (afternoon) Friday: Feature-based Synthesis paper presentation! In addition, skot will be running nightly "ffmup" concerts (highly recommended), and Ajay has a presentation on teaching with his stylish kiom controllers (I don't know when exactly)! Totally looking forward to getting together in New Orleans!!! Best, Ge!