How about you receive what your friend is doing after a predictable delay, so like it's buffered, and you're in sync with them in a quarter note sense but hearing what they did a bar earlier... So say it's in 4/4 time, everything will still sound okay, but to each user you're hearing what the other guy did a bar ago... make sense?

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 12:53 AM, john saylor <> wrote:

On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 7:09 AM, Les Hall <> wrote:
> In a similar way, perhaps we should not be attempting to defeat the lag monster, but rather to create novel musical jamming techniques that operate within the timing constraints of the web.

yes, i think this is a much better kind of approach.

it's like in a mario game when he is swimming- the controls do not
respond so rapidly, and there is the notion of momentum too. even
though [up until this point] improvising musicians have been all
walking that ultra-present wire, maybe interesting music can be made
where there is a delay between doing something and having it affect
the flow of music.

keep on doing!

\js : "verbing weirds language." -calvin  []
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