I am just entering the world of programming and OSC, though I've been a musician for a long time, and am familiar with MIDI.
I am assembling a guitar and would like very much to operate a computer using OSC and skipping MIDI altogether (in fact I would consider my project a failure if I must resort to MIDI).
Several programs in the subworld of music electric ring out... Csound, yours, supercollider, etc.
Why is yours better than the rest?
How is it different?
Sorry for asking to be sold to, but I am a musician and not a programmer... I want to learn and need a place to start.
How should I interface my guitar (from RMC piezo system) with my computer ( A brand new ripping machine) and with you software?
Any data you can offer, as a teacher to a young student, would be greatly appreciated.
This project, if successful, would mean the realization of a beautiful vision.
Joshua Patriquin