Hello there

I am doing  “classes” and “objects” and i ‘ve the next problem

in the code : 

// Simple example of sound making class
 class Simple
    //sound chain
   Impulse imp => ResonZ filt => dac;


    // some default settings
    100.0 => filt.Q => filt.gain;
    1000.0 => filt.freq;


    fun void freq(float f)
        f => filt.freq;




    fun void setQ(float Q)


        Q => filt.Q => filt.gain;




    fun void setGain(float g)


        g => imp.gain;




    fun void noteOn (float volume)
        volume => imp.next;




Simple s;




    Math.random2f(1100.0, 1200.0) => s.freq;
    Math.random2(1,200) => s.setQ;
    Math.random2f(.2,.8) => s.setGain;
    // play note 
    1 => s.noteOn;
    .1::second => now;

My console monitor return:

[Untitled]:line(3): ugen's of type 'DAC' have no input - cannot => from another ugen...
[simple_class]:line(5): ugen's of type 'DAC' have no input - cannot => from another ugen...

Someone knows what is happening
Thank you