hi i already posted this on the forums, but it doesnt seem as active as i imagine the mailing list might be(no offense of course). so here's my post hi i'm trying to access an array with rand2() but i get syntax errors: while( true ) { //1 bar at 180bpm cut into 8ths float push[ 0, 166.625, 333.25, 499.875, 666.5, 833.125, 999.75, 1166.375 ] push[Math.rand2(0,7)] => buf.pos; 1333::ms => now; } i made a second post with a minor update i noticed my syntax errors in comparison to otf_06.ck on page 49 in the manual and re-wrote it. // time loop while( true ) { //1 bar at 180bpm cut into 8ths [ 0, 166.625, 333.25, 499.875, 666.5, 833.125, 999.75, 1166.375 ]@=> float push[]; push[Math.rand2(0,7)] => buf.pos; 1333::ms => now; } but i still get this error: [SndBufTest1.ck]:line(19): array init [...] contains incompatible types... Malik