Hi, The output format of WvOut is coming out wrong. Audacity doesn't recognize it as a wav (does not recognize type, suggests import raw), and windows media player rejects it as well. Importing the file into Audacity as raw data works somewhat, but as I'm diagnosing a dc-offset, I need an exact result. here's some example code: SinOsc s => Gain g => dac; s.freq(400); g.gain(0.5); g => WvOut w => blackhole; "blerg.wav" => string file; w.wavFilename(file); 1::second => now; w.closeFile(file); // what is the function of the argument here? can WvOut record multiple buffers at once? I'm not so experienced with chuck but experienced in "normal" computer programming. Running miniAudicle 1.3.1 with chuck on windows 7 pro sp1 (32 bit). Thanks, George