Hey. I'm new to programming and ChucK, but im loving it. i'm very keen to learn as I like making music in weird ways :) I have just made something i call "my crappy riff generator" (spits out random patterns and loops them for 8 bars, repeats process untill i heard something i like and i break out of the random loop kinda thing and let it play longer). I am trying to get this running through Abelton to drive a softsynth. I found the MIDIsender class that someone here created (well done!!), and *can* get Chuck sending some Midi Note Ons to my softsynth .. but and bare with me because maybe i dont have some of the underlying concepts right in my head. When I try and run a ChucK file whilst abelton is open i get a "could not open channel/ cannot initialise audio device" type error.. (sorry i dont have the error specifics infront of me right now), but from what i can gather Abelton is in charge of the DAC when it tries to run a ck file and thus it whinges . To get around this i used the -s option when running my script (silences the audio) and it sort of *runs* but ChucK seems to have zero concept of time once the -s option is used. Its a mess of overlapping note ons... everything happens at once and worse. Even when i tested with a few lines of <<< insert message here >;> 1::second => now; all the messages get printed to the screen at the same time if i use the -s option. So its a catch 22 situation, i cant run my ck files whilst abelton is running without the -s option , but when i run ck files with the -s option all timing goes out the window. Awaiting answers which point to a large white elephant sitting in the room. ;) Cheers Steve NB. I dont have any midi clock setup ( i cant find how to do this in manual ) but chuck should still play notes in ableton like it does in chuck surely... _________________________________________________________________ http://newlivehotmail.com