Please note that the ADSR UGen has been changed such that the .attackTime, .decayTime, and .releaseTime now all accept a dur, not a float. This may make existing code fail to compile in this release candidate.
any other changes?
There are quite a few new features, and but we haven't completely finalized things yet so it's hard to make a definitive statement. A primary purpose of this RC is for folks to test their existing code and at least make sure we didn't break anything new. Thanks! Ge! Oh yeah, here is a small but potentially useful feature that is finalized: - (added) command line argument support e.g. %> chuck foo.ck:1:hello bar:2.5:"with space" also works with OTF commands e.g. %> chuck + foo:1:yo also works with Machine.add( ... ) e.g. // code Machine.add( "foo:1:2:yo" ); In the code you can query for number of arguments with: me.numArgs() and get the actual argument with: me.arg( num ) arguments are returned as string, which if desired, can be converted to int or float via: Std.atoi( str ) or Std.atof( str ) In the miniAudicle, the "arguments" bar near the top works in similar ways, and also allows you to enter arguments in table form if you click on arguments.