To manually workaround the disconnect/CPU issue in, disconnect the patch before leaving the function:
s =< env =< dac;
Am I right that "env =< dac" would effectively stop the patch from calculating? So the extra disconnect is for the garbage collection to also grab s, right?
Garbage collection in ChucK is achieved with Control-C :) This is a future consideration. If you are doing long shows with ChucK it is good to shut it down and restart it a few times if you are loading in lots of UGens. In the 1.5 hour show I normally do I restart ChucK in 6 places to make sure it doesn't blow up.
ugenA =< ugenB would effectively disconnect ugenA and ugenB, and if neither is ultimately connected to dac (or blackhole), then they won't compute when audio is generated. Currently, however, they are not garbage collected. Garbage collection has recently been elevated from "future consideration" to "current consideration". Actually, much has long been considered and even implemented, though some crucial components still need work. We very much hope to have it working soon. In general, there are ways to structure a program such that it gets around the need for gc, but that's not the way it should be. We shall collect all garbage! Best, Ge!