Did you try specifying the device with --adc<n>? I didn't get it to work with just using --in and --out by themselves.
thank for reply. I did this http://dpaste.com/219718/ but it doesn't work :(I ran it with ./chuck --in8 --out82010/7/19 Stefan Blixt <stefan.blixt@gmail.com>Yes. For my MOTU soundcard it took a bit of tinkering to get it right. Here's an example of a command line:chuck --adc4 --in4 --out8This means that I'm using device number 4 (adc), with 4 inputs and 8 outputs.After that you can write like this in you ChucK app:SinOsc s => dac.chan(3); // send sine wave to the fourth mono outputNote that you'll have to take care of stereo if you want it:adc.chan(0) => LPF filterLeft => dac.chan(0);adc.chan(1) => LPF filterRight => dac.chan(1);The tinkering bit with MOTU is that all combinations of numbers of inputs and outputs don't work. For instance --in3 --out8 will have the whole thing go bananas, with weird sound being outputted. If you don't use a MOTU card there's a good chance you won't have this problem./Stefan2010/7/19 Patrick Guido <patrick.arminio@gmail.com>Hi, I've a sound card with 8 outputs (4 left and 4 right) and I want to send different audio signals to each output.Is this possible with chuck?Thanks
Patrick Guido Arminio
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