Hi all, I'm a new Chuck user and I'm trying to create a simple midi router. I tried a very simple Chuck program to test the midi functionnality of Chuck : I created a Midin and a Midiout, opened them without problems. MidiIn min; MidiOut mout; MidiMsg msgin; MidiMsg msgout; then I just wanted to copy the MidiIn data to the MidiOut data... msgin.data1 => msgout.data1; msgin.data2 => msgout.data2; msgin.data3 => msgout.data3; mout.send(msgout); It works perfectly for noton and noteoff events but when I send A program Change, an error occurs : [chuck](via RtMidi): RtMidiOut::sendMessage: event parsing error! After some tests, it appears that this error occurs when I set the msgout.data1 to values greater than 191 (it works for 191 and bugs for 192). (I'm running under Linux Ubuntu & Jack.) Is this error normal ? Thanks a lot. Terence