Hello, I don't know if this is the right place to put this on but, this code is crashing randomly on my tests: MAUI_View window; MAUI_Slider knob_0; window.size(300,300); window.name("Test"); window.position(0,100); knob_0.range(0,127); knob_0.size(150,knob_0.height()); //cut_knob_0.position(0,0); knob_0.name("Knob 0"); knob_0.displayFormat(MAUI_Slider.integerFormat); // impulse to filter to dac Impulse i => BiQuad f => Pan2 p => dac; // set the filter's pole radius .99 => f.prad; // set equal gain zeros 1 => f.eqzs; // set filter gain .5 => f.gain; window.addElement(knob_0); window.display(); 1 => int device; MidiIn min; MidiMsg msg; if( !min.open( device ) ) { <<< "erro ao iniciar device:" , device >>> ; } else { <<< "device inicializado:" , min.num() , " -> " , min.name() >>>; } public void controlKnob_0() { while(true) { while ( min.recv(msg) ) { msg.data1 => int msg_1; msg.data2 => int msg_2; msg.data3 => int msg_3; if(msg_2 == 3) { knob_0.value(msg_3); } } min => now; } } public void Distortion() { while(knob_0.value()) { knob_0.value() => float value; value * 39 => f.pfreq; // value => i.next; } min => now; } spork ~ controlKnob_0(); spork ~ Distortion(); while ( true ) { 1.0 => i.next; // Std.rand2f( 250, 5000 ) => f.pfreq; Std.rand2f( -1, 1 ) => p.pan; 100::ms => now; } What i'm doing is mapping one knob of my bcd2000 to a MAUI Slider, to see on the screen the position of the knob, as i've posted here before, the midi itself is hanging up using this controller, but I think it might be something i'm doing wrong, anyone can point me out a clue on what could be it? Thanks Piero