On Feb 11, 2009, at 7:10 PM, mike clemow wrote:
This is fascinating, but I'm disappointed that so many of these things get developed for Max/MSP and not PD--especially since the code bases are so similar.
This is one of the reasons I put all my code on-line, so that others may do this. I don't use PD, and I tend to allocate time for work related to my own music-ing. Too much fun stuff to do! And I've learned that time is, in fact, finite.
One of the PD developers teaches at my school. I hope to pick his brain about porting these things over to PD someday. The chuck~ object that Brad Garton has written is another one that I'd love to have in PD.
And this is a case where the put-it-on-line strategy worked. Thanks to Martin Robinson, ask and ye shall receive: https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/pipermail/chuck-users/2007-March/001619.html brad http://music.columbia.edu/~brad