On 10/21/06, Adam Tindale <adamtindale@hotmail.com> wrote:
The manual is badly outdated. I am in the process of a major
revision. Maybe we can start a page on the wiki of things to revise
in the manual for the next release. If anyone wants to help I would
greatly appreciate it.

Sure. I still don't speak Latex but I'd be happy to add  stuff that pops up on the forum or that I stumble into myself to such a page.

The forum is a good source for such material because there are a lot of people just starting out there and they ask questions if the manual is unclear or outdated.

I'd be happy to write a few paragraphs as well on areas I'm comfortable with.

Oh, and could somebody please go into what the word "new" means in ChucK, exactly? It's currently mentioned in the manual exactly once (in that sense). It creates a new instance of a object and it's somehow syntactically similar to "!" and that's about it as far as the manual is concerned. This made the public static classes thing quite hard to understand for me untill Spencer demonstrated a while ago you can get around it (and now I understand that assignment trick).

So, great plan, I'd be happy to contribute to this wiki page but we'll still need the list because I predict that the people who discover something is missing from the manual are probably not the people who can write the manual entry....

My cents,