On 13/03/2007, at 15.18, martin robinson wrote:
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding something here, but each time you call io.get(...) it should return the latest value delivered to the chuck~ inlet. You might want to consider making a shred with a test loop to get a more real-time behavior.
while (100::ms => now) { io.get("abc) = s.freq; }
(I haven't tried this though! Something similar might work) [snip] Does this clear anything up or am I missing the point entirely?
Yes it clears, but I don't have much luck. The below script of cause
work, and makes Pd play a 300Hz sine wave via ChuCK. If i uncomment
the two comments and in stead comment out the '300 => s.freq;' line,
it don't make any sound. If i instead only uncomment the first line,
there is still no sound, hence it might have to to with the Pd UGen?
//Pd io;
SinOsc s => dac;
now + 5::second => time later;
while (now < later){
//io.get("abc") => s.freq;
300 => s.freq;
50::ms => now;
I need make the now