Hi Spencer,
Thanks, that'd be great :)
Sent from my Wiko ROBBYOn Jun 19, 2018 21:41, Spencer Salazar
Yep, the faust2ck needs to have its chuck submodule updated to use the latest chuck headers, although it seems a bit messier than that since the structure of the headers changed. I will look in to it!
Spencer Salazar, PhD spencer@spencersalazar.com | 831.277.4654 https://spencersalazar.com
On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 7:18 AM, Mario Buoninfante
wrote: Hi Casper,
that's a really good point, in fact I had to do the same with my chugins after installed ChucK I'll double check.
cheers, Mario
On 18 June 2018 at 10:49, Casper Schipper
wrote: correction: I meant, is actually pretty much identical to according to changelog.
best, Casper
On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 11:47 AM, Casper Schipper
wrote: Hi Mario,
Cannot say with 100% certainty, but it could be that Faust is including a slightly older version of chuck_dl.h when building the chugin ? Chugins built with Version are no longer compatable with, I also had to recompile my own chugins because of this.
Best, Casper
On Sat, Jun 16, 2018 at 8:38 PM, mario buoninfante
wrote: Hi,
I'm having issue with a chugin generated with faust2ck. I'm on a 64bit Linux machine (Ubuntu Studio 16.04) and I created a simple sample and hold component in Faust (SampleAndHold.dsp that contains declare name "SampleAndHold";) and then turned it into a chugin using faust2ck. everything seems fine, my SampleAndHold.chug is generated, but unfortunately I cannot use it in ChucK (console: undefined type 'SampleAndHold'...) . I copied it into the chugin folder and also tried launching ChucK with -gSampleAndHold .
does anyone have any experience with faust2ck? am I missing