Hello George,
You have an interesting point there. I wanted to suggest to you that you wrap your BlitSaw in an extension of a Chubgraph class, but that also doesn't work!
It appears to me that Chuck in general doesn't let you assign arrays from subclasses to superclasses: a bit of a surprise indeed!
For example :
class ClassA {
float v;
fun float value() {
return v;
class ClassB extends ClassA {
fun float value() {
return v * 2;
ClassA myObjectA;
ClassB myObjectB;
//ChucK allows:
myObjectB @=> myObjectA;
//but does not for arrays :-(
ClassA myObjectArrayA[10];
ClassB myObjectArrayB[10];
myObjectArrayB @=> myObjectArrayA; // gives error
Of course there are less pretty ways of achieving what you need, probably by just switching the routing of the UGens :
BlitSaw blitSaw[10];
BlitSquare blitSquare[10];
Gain output; // => or the rest of your patch
for (int i;i
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1. how do I assign a Blit array with a BlitSquare array? (George Locke)
From: George Locke
Subject: [chuck-users] how do I assign a Blit array with a BlitSquare array? Date: 2 februari 2014 17:18:13 CET To: ChucK Users Mailing List Reply-To: ChucK Users Mailing List Hi,
I have a class that I want to use either (multiple) BlitSquare or BlitSaw oscillators, where i can switch between them during performance. I thought the easiest way would be to have a single Blit array that holds either, but apparently I can't do this:
BlitSquare pls[10]; BlitSaw saw[10]; Blit osc[10]; if (choosePulse) { pls @=> osc; } else { saw @=> osc; }
Any suggestions?
How is the Blit type ever to be used if not in this way?
(My chuck experience is limited, but I am an experienced programmer.)
Regards, George
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