hi karl karl petermichl wrote:
* Sorry to flood the list with so many questions, *
i do it all the time as well ;)
but I have to get ChuK and myself ready for the first date in public together (read: live gig) quite soon. The only funcionality which I am lacking for this first gig is some kind of graphic fader for adjusting variables on the fly. I know it is all about live coding, but I really would like to feed my sound generators with some "fluid floats" (or ints). I got into OSC, and I do understand the sending and receiving OSC examples.
I also found the OSC commands within JAVA, and a nice little application called JAVAOSC. Those four faders would be all that I need, I just cannot figure out which OSC codesc JAVAOSC is transmitting to the localhost. I searched for an OSC-Analyser, but the only one I could find exists for MAC and LINUX exclusively, and I am running XP (ok, sorry, way uncool, I know, but I really needed the harddisc space for audio samples, so I had to erase my ReiserFS partition...).
the easiest way to send/receive OSC i know is using python. It gets as simple as this: import osc osc.init() osc.sendMsg('/blah', [6.9999]) For this you need to install python www.python.org and SimpleOSC library for python http://www.ixi-software.net/content/download/simpleosc0.2.3.zip To install simpleosc you can use the setup.py from command line or just uncompress the zip and copy the osc folder into c:\Python2.x\Lib\site-packages check readme.txt file and app.py example for detailes on how to use. To create a GUI with faders you could use few python libraries, being TKinter (GUI toolkit by default included Python) the easiest, others candidates would be FLTK, WXPython, GTK, QT ... this is the tkinter reference for that Range widget (fader) http://infohost.nmt.edu/tcc/help/pubs/tkinter/scale.html This is an example of one fader sending osc to localhost on port 9000 (comments start with #) from Tkinter import * import osc osc.init() # start osc library # this function will be called every time the slider changes value def sendValue(value) : osc.sendMsg('/slider1', [value], "", 9000) window = Tk() # create window # create slider and bind it to sendValue function h = Scale(window, from_=0, to=200, orient=HORIZONTAL, command=sendValue) h.pack() # put slider in the window mainloop() # enter main loop you can copy this code and paste it into notepad then save it as myslider.py, to run the scripts under windows just doubleclick it. Again if you want a crossplatform GUI that sends automatically OSC you could check something i did just couple of weeks ago. http://ixi-software.net/content/body_backyard_python.html It is called zombi, and it is kind of usable. Very primitive yet. It is done with python and wxpython but it can be used from ChucK so you dont have to do a single line of python if you dont want to. On a different direction there is a java based GUI server called swingOSC, this is done for supercollider but i guess it could be used with chuck as well. good luck enrike
So does anyone of you know which codes JAVAOSC is transmitting by default? Are there other simple ways of transmitting OSC commands to ChuK? I tried the software PROCESSING and TAPSTREAM, but in both cases it was obvious to me how to assign OSC commands to faders.
Thank you again for your advice, karl.
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