On 6/30/06, Kassen
Serial port would be interesting because you can write to it which would open the way for leds (and lighting rigs and robots and........).
I think the parallel port is far more interesting since it has a lot of ins and outs, which can be controlled asynchronously.
What I'd actually like as well is realy simple; I'd like to be able to write to the scroll-lock led. I'd realy like to make the scroll-lock key blink once on the sequence's "one", I actually considered doing a small program for that in Pascal or something and calling it from ChucK. Should be relatively easy to do with an STK that calls the API.
Writing to leds on a HID device would be nice too, basically what I do want is some visual feedback but I don't want to be staring at the schreen while making music if it's not nesicary. Same thing there. (Or possibly some parallel port custom hardware solution - see above.)
Maybe I'm the only one who wants to do something to the scroll-lock led though; in that case it doesn't make any sense to spend time on it for you guys. No, it's a good idea.
BTW, doesn't OSX deal with devices like the other *nixes do? Why on earth not? I'm not totally sure, but it seems that new macs have ditched the classical serial port, and goes for USB only. And to use USB, you need a USB controller, which makes things more complicated.
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