today i learned about .5::second => dur T; T - (now % T) => now; and wanted to modify my to something more overtone sequencer oriented but nothing seemed to be working properly so comment outed a lot and went into the debug mode with the followings being chucked i can see things like s1 changed 34.747145 s2 changed 95.554650 s1 changed 56.208618 s2 changed 140.521544 s1 changed 32.703196 s2 changed 89.933788 s1 changed 45.988869 s2 changed 160.961041 --- get displayed but the sound itself doesn't seem to be doing this one of the two sinewave ... maybe s1.freq() seems to be playing the same long tone (freq never changing) and i don't seem to hear the rhythm pattern it should have created if am not wrong i think there is three sinewaves coming out .5::second => dur T; T - (now % T) => now; SinOsc s1 => Gain g1 => dac; SinOsc s2 => g1; SinOsc s3 => PRCRev g3 => dac.left; SinOsc s4 => PRCRev g4 => dac.right; .25 => g1.gain; .25 => g3.gain; .25 => g4.gain; 27.5 * Math.pow(2.0,(3.0/12.0)) => float oilroot; 2 * oilroot => s2.freq; fun void ri() { while(true) { 300::ms => now; s2.freq() * Std.rand2(16, 32) / 16.0 => s3.freq; } } fun void ga() { while(true) { 330::ms => now; s2.freq() * Std.rand2(16, 32) / 16.0 => s4.freq; } } //spork ~ ri(); //spork ~ ga(); while( true ) { Std.rand2(32, 64) * oilroot / 32.0 => s1.freq; <<<"s1 changed", s1.freq()>>>; //1000::ms => now; 7::T => now; s1.freq() * Std.rand2(8, 16) / 4.0 => s2.freq; <<<"s2 changed", s2.freq()>>>; //250::ms => now; 1::T => now; } -- 2g