Dear Kas,

I fear that this has to do with buffering (whether a stream is buffered or not), and if buffered, buffer size makes a difference, too.

For example, in C/C++, if you want to see the output of a fprintf() call for sure, you have to call fflush(). I don't know if it has a ChucK equivalent, though.

Szilveszter aka Hillaby

2009/10/20 Kassen <>
Fellow ChucKists,

Consider this edit of one of the new examples, I just made this because I was trying to figure out the difference between chout and cherr and why the plain example's output had the order in which the results of the operations were printed reversed;
// 'chout' is chuck out, pronounced "shout"
// 'cherr' is chuck err, pronounced "Cher"

// output to console on stdout
chout <= 1 <= " foo " <= 5.5 <= IO.newline();

// output to console on stderr
cherr <= 2 <= " bar " <= 5.5 <= IO.newline();

<<<"start pause">>>;
second => now;
<<<"end pause">>>;

// output to console on stderr
cherr <= 3 <= " bar " <= 5.5 <= IO.newline();

// output to console on stdout
chout <= 4 <= " foo " <= 5.5 <= IO.newline();

Now, the output this gives varies with how many times we used the various commands in the recent past and on what, but it stabilises to this after running it a few times;

[chuck](VM): sporking incoming shred: 1 (*
2 bar 5.5
"start pause" : (string)
4 foo 5.5
1 foo 5.5
"end pause" : (string)
3 bar 5.5

It seems to me that chout has some sort of internal buffer and that it takes two chout commands to reach the actual console, instead of one, like I expected. It also seems like cherr has a higher priority of some sort. maybe cherr commands print immediately while chout ones are delayed until time is advanced?

I'd like to know what the intended behaviour is as I'm now just guessing about the difference between the two. Right now I'm leaning towards suspecting at least a bug in chout.


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