On 19/04/2008, lucas samaruga
Hi list
Hi Lucas! I'm working with ChucK in a musical project, Yay! A wise choice too, much better then ChucK for database management, probably. :¬) and I have a problem with the code.
This code generates 3 different error menssages in my machine (running chuck-alsa on linux), depending on the amount of components in an array.
I just glanced over it but I suspect at least issue 2) is one of the (new?) issues where (un)certain problems of resolving type on arrays (maybe especially when using functions) leads to seg-faults. There's good news in that Ge is looking into this and I found so far that in all cases where I ran into this (if it's the same thing) so far we can write around it. Another thing worth mentioning is that ChucK shouldn't seg-fault at all. Maybe it should kill the shred when the error happens or give a error at compilation but not seg-fault and quite working altogether. It's rather late here and your comments are in a language I don't speak (I think Spanish?) so I hope you'll excuse me if I don't have a solution right away but that issue is likely to be fixed relatively soon and I rate suspect we could work around it as well. Just not right now :¬) Yours, Kas.