I find that using java mode does 99% of what I want with ChucK, so I put this in my .emacs file:

(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.ck\\'" . java-mode) auto-mode-alist))

When you open a .ck file, you get all the keyword coloring and indentation you'd expect.  I could get fancier and create some bindings that would pass an expression to a ChucK process from within a text window (I used to do that when I was doing Lisp development), but haven't found I really needed it that often.

- Rob

On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 11:18, Michael Heuer <heuermh@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Robert,

Do you use a specific emacs mode for ChucK?


2010/9/1 Robert Poor <rdpoor@gmail.com>:
> For ChucK , I've always used emacs as my editor and a terminal window for
> performance.  I'm curious: why do people use MiniAudicle?  And for our blind
> community, what do you wish it would do that a straight text editor and
> terminal window doesn't do?
> - Rob
> On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 09:39, Rich Caloggero <rjc@mit.edu> wrote:
>> I am a blind user who has played around with chuck! Chuck is perfectly
>> accessible via command shell in either linux or windows. The language is
>> great and running programs is simple.
>> The GUI environment, mini audical, is another matter. I was not able to
>> use it on Windows; have not tried on Mac or Linux.
>> I wonder if a rewrite in java using Swing UI classes would be feassible.
>> This would probably give the most access, cross platform and with little
>> extra coding. You do need to use Swing though, otherwise the code to talk
>> with MSAA (microsoft Active Accessibility) will need to be written by hand,
>> which is probably a big pain!
>> Write me off list at rjc@mit.edu
>> -- Rich
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: <tempjayren@gmail.com>
>> To: "chuck users" <chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu>
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 5:32 AM
>> Subject: [chuck-users] blind user
>>>  Would like to know if there are any other blind users of chuck besides
>>> myself and perhaps talk to them offlist so as to not spam the list
>>> needlessly.
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